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Friday, 17 July 2009

Recent deadly attacks targeting hotels

UNITED STATED. Deadly attacks targeting hotels in recent years:

• July 17, 2009: A pair of bombs explode at the neighboring Ritz-Carlton and Marriott hotels in Jakarta, Indonesia.

• June 9, 2009: A huge bomb explodes at the Pearl Continental Hotel in Peshawar, Pakistan, killing at least 11 people and wounding 70.

• Nov. 26, 2008: Gunmen attack the Taj Mahal hotel, the Oberoi's Trident hotel and eight other sites in a three-day siege that leaves 164 dead in Mumbai, India.

• Sept. 20, 2008: A suicide truck bomb kills at least 54 and wounds more than 250 at the Marriott hotel in Islamabad.

• Jan. 14, 2008: Three suicide attackers kill eight people at the Serena Hotel in Kabul.

• Nov. 9, 2005: Suicide bombers kill 60 people in coordinated attacks on three luxury hotels in Amman, Jordan, killing at least 60 people.

• July 23, 2005: Two car bombs and bomb in knapsack rip through hotel and beach promenade in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt, killing 64 people, mainly tourists.

• Oct. 7, 2004: Bombings in Taba and Ras Shitan resorts in Egypt kill 34 people, including 11 Israelis.

• Aug. 5, 2003: A car bomb in front of the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Jakarta kills 12 people and wounds 150. Fifteen alleged members of Jemaah Islamiyah are convicted for the blast.


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